
The first Crypto-FIAT Exchange

Sign up for free and start using the most important
cryptocurrencies and currencies on the market.

Quickly exchange between traditional money and cryptocurrencies.
With Futswap your assets have no barriers


Austausch Krypto
einfach und schnell

Top up your FIAT account
using Crypto!

Go beyond the barriers of traditional banks with Futswap Exchange. Transfer your cryptocurrencies to Futswap and convert them to FIAT currency in seconds. Our commission is very low and in a totally safe environment.

The perfect portfolio in the
most important cryptos and currencies

Why Futswap?


Our team is ready to assist you by Chat and corporate WhatsApp.

Easy and intuitive interface

Learning to use Futswap will take you very little time.


Verify your account in a few minutes automatically and 100% securely.


Find many videos on how to start investing and how to get more out of your assets

Next level

Verify your account in a few minutes automatically and 100% securely.

Futswap Exchange is more than you expect

We offer financial solutions in the CRYPTO-FIAT ecosystem to move your money without limitations around the world


For you to use your assets anywhere in the world


Save with us and obtain higher returns than any traditional financial institution


We offer other financial services within our exchange to make your life easier

Our integrated design allows
the use of workstations and
without limits

Special and creative functions to handle the
most important currencies in the world

Your favorite widgets for
more profitable Trading

Grade Volumes

We have liquidity as big as the ocean - Over 100 Bitcoin in the first 20 levels of the USD/BTC order book. And a transaction limit as wide as the sea: up to $250,000 per transaction.

Limit orders

A limit order is an order to buy or sell an asset at a specified price or better. A limit order can only be executed if the market price of the asset reaches the limit price. Although limit orders do not guarantee execution, they help ensure that an investor does not pay more than a set price.

White list of
withdrawal addresses

You can set up a list of addresses for all cryptocurrencies that will prohibit withdrawals to unconfirmed wallets.

Volume Pool

Evaluate the depth of liquidity using the grouping feature on the order books on all available pairs.

Digital clock

A widget that helps you monitor current prices, volumes, and daily highs or lows for all available pairs.

Market depth

Get an overview of the cumulative total number of open buy and sell orders with a special widget in your trading interface.

Gobierno de el salvador. Comprobante digital para proveedores de servicio bitcoin. Proveedor Futswap el salvador, s.a. de c.v.

Futswap El Salvador ist ausschließlich eine Softwareplattform und führt keine unabhängige Due-Diligence-Prüfung oder Überprüfung von Blockchain-Assets, digitalen Währungen, Kryptowährungen oder verwandten Fonds durch. Sie sind vollständig dafür verantwortlich, Ihre Investitionen zu bewerten, zu entscheiden, ob Sie Blockchain-Assets nach eigenem Ermessen handeln, und alle Ihre Handelsentscheidungen mit der Futswap-App-Funktion. Die von Ihnen gehandelten Blockchain-Assets steigen möglicherweise nicht im Wert und können nach dem Handel sowohl sinken als auch an Wert gewinnen.

Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Jede Investition in Blockchain-Assets birgt das Risiko, einen Teil oder die gesamte Investition zu verlieren. Der Wert der von Ihnen gehandelten Blockchain-Assets unterliegt Markt- und Anlagerisiken.

Benutzer der Futswap-App sind für die Sicherung ihrer eigenen Wiederherstellungsphrase verantwortlich. Wenn die Wiederherstellungsphrase verloren geht, kann der Benutzer seine privaten Schlüssel möglicherweise nicht wiederherstellen.